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Sir Graham Balfour School

A member of Insight Multi-Academy Trust

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for parents

1. How do I re-arrange a Subject Support Session?

Support sessions are primarily about supporting your child to complete the work that was missed but, it is also a detention and a deterrent to encourage the completion of the work by the deadline.  Subject Support Sessions will only be re-arranged if it is for an important reason such as a medical appointment.  They will not be re-arranged if they clash with sporting fixtures and clubs.  Please contact Mr Anderson or Mrs Haines with any requests to rearrange Subject Support Sessions.  We want to do everything possible to avoid your child being part of these sessions and the best way to avoid ending up in this situation is for your child to follow the homework timetable, complete the work on the day it is set which will see them completing the homework before the deadline which also gives your child time to get any help they need to complete the homework.


2. What do I do if there is a genuine reason why my child could not complete a homework by the deadline?

Your child should be encouraged to email or speak to their subject teacher who set the work.  It is better if they contact the teacher in order to explain the situation.  Our staff will always be reasonable, and staff will make reasonable adjustments to the deadline in situations like this.


3. What do I do if my child needs more help with a particular piece of homework?

The most important part here is for your child to follow the homework timetable, if they do this it will still give them plenty of days until the deadline to get the necessary help and support from the sources outlined below:

  • Ask the teacher in lesson for advice/clarification etc. about the task.
  • Speak to the teacher at the end of the lesson/break/lunch for advice or clarification if they are too shy to ask in class.
  • Choose to voluntarily attend a Subject Support Session on a Monday or Wednesday (up to 1hr after school) where a member of staff will be on hand to provide advice and help with the homework.
  • Choose to use the school’s Learning Resource Centre (DAC) after school or at lunch for a quiet place to complete the homework (open every day until 4.30pm).  Places can be booked by following this link - DAC DESK RESERVATION SYSTEM - Power Apps


4. How do I know what homework is set?

All homework is put on Satchel:One and all parents can access this.  To access Satchel:One ask your child to log into their Satchel:One account on a web browser and select Parental Code.  Once you have this code you can create your own login.  All students login using their Office 365 details (the same details they use to access their school emails).

You can also print or keep a copy of the school homework timetable, available via the link below which will tell you what homework will be set each day.  Encourage your child to complete the homework each day to stay on top of their homework.

Parent Introduction - Sir Graham Balfour School


5.  What to do if my child is struggling to keep organised with homework?

The most important thing is to encourage your child to complete the homework on the day it is set, as per the homework timetable. 

One option is for your child to book themselves into the Learning Resource Centre (DAC).  This will give them a quiet place to complete homework before leaving school.  The Learning Resource Centre (DAC) is open until 4.30pm every day.  They can use the link below to do so.


If the Learning Resource Centre (DAC) is not working another approach is to encourage your child to speak to their form tutor who can discuss strategies that your child can adopt.


Sir Graham Balfour School
North Avenue
ST16 1NR

For Sat Nav directions:

ST16 1NJ


01785 223490
